Recently our CIT Inspectors and Pasico Ghana Engineers underwent intensive training conducted by Jerry Longtin, a seasoned trainer from CICB. (Pasico Ghana is a subsidiary of Paterson Simons).

The training is modelled on the formally known ‘Train the Trainer’ Program, and also on inspection standards of OEMS required by OSHAANSI, ASME and Loler standards. Meticulously designed to familiarize engineers with current industry standards and new specifications concerning lifting equipment, this training is conducted every 3 years. It is Refresher training for some of the trainees, and novice training for the others. This internal training focuses on both theory and practical aspects, aiming to enhance participants’ skills in inspection and training related to lifting equipment.

The program included detailed modules on equipment inspection protocols, safety standards, and practical exercises to reinforce learning. This is a special, detailed training tailored specifically for our engineers. It is part of Paterson Simons commitment to ensuring our teams are well-prepared and compliant with the latest industry requirements.

Participants engaged in comprehensive sessions covering a wide range of topics crucial for their roles, ensuring they remain at the forefront of their field.

As they successfully concluded the training, they expressed enthusiasm about applying their enhanced knowledge and skills in their daily responsibilities. Their completion marks another milestone in the company’s ongoing efforts to uphold safety and operational excellence in the workplace.

Our Congratulations to the participants and special thanks to CICB trainer Jerry Longtin!

Paterson Simons’ CIT division has a sizeable team of excellent, capable and certified inspectors. We can support your needs throughout the West & Central African regions. The training is part of a regular cycle we undertake every three years to maintain high standards across our engineering teams. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and excellence in equipment handling and safety protocols.

For more information on future training initiatives or inquiries about the training we offer, please have a look at our CIT-Africa website here, or contact us here